Fun at the Club this week!
Gentle reminders:
Please remember that kids should be picked up by 5 PM. The club closes its day activities at this time and there is no supervision after 5.
Don’t forget fun at the club this week:
Wednesday After Dinner: Dory’s Story Corps:
Come share your Torch Lake memories or listen as others record theirs–part of a bigger project to capture TLYCC stories. Come to share or come to listen. All are welcome.
Thursday morning 11 AM-12 noon:
For Junior Yacht Clubbers ~ school age and older and for all those young at heart and able to bend at waist:
Spotted Knapweek Weeding Extravaganza
It’s the Annual TLYCC Conservation project–Please come and help the point by weeding out the invasive species called ‘purple spotted knapweed’.
Bring workgloves.
Questions or more information: Sallie Foley 734.223.9079
Thursday night after Family Night Dinner:
Poetry night with the Greene’s. Fantastic fun for all ages.