TLYCC Women’s Committee Update
The TLYCC Women’s Committee is pleased to announce this summer’s Learn & Live Sessions:
Wednesday, July 13th: 
Fused Glass. 
KC Babb will talk about the spectrum of cold to hot glass–from stained glass to fused glass to flame working of beads to blown glass. This will be followed by an opportunity for small groups to make something out of fused glass.
Wednesday, July 20th: 
Jackie Compton will present “Flowers in Quilts†where she’ll show different examples of the multitude of ways flowers appear in quilts using different floral fabrics, floral piecing and floral quilting designs with some of the historical evolution of the use of flowers in quilts. She usually brings quite a few quilts both old and new that demonstrate the principles she’ll be talking about and has found that the ladies love seeing the quilts even if they aren’t quilters.
Wednesday, August 10th
: Annie Lerew will share her adventures in Nepal.
 BuildOn is an organization that engages high school students to build schools throughout the world.
With other Wednesdays available for more programs of interest, topics under consideration are 
Home Ec 101: Cooking for Dummies, Basic Sewing
, Quiltmaking, 
Big Girls Shops, Trading Post, 
Family Fun Night, Ice Cream Social
TLYCC Women’s Committee 2011 Members
Nan Couyoumjian, chair; 
Cindy Hickman, past chair; 
Barb Van Pelt, board laison; 
Laura Christensen, special events and Auction; 
Tammy Neipoth, big girls shops and IC social; 
Susan McLean, ‘plant operations’
; Whitney Keller and Holly Hatch, Merchandise
; Erika DeTar,
Presenters; KC Babb